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Add-Ons for Modular Houses

We understand that there are few types of people when it comes to ordering a modular tiny house. Some will want to have as much included as possible so that they need minimum or, most preferably, no work to do after the delivery. And others want to add their own touches to the interior of the house to make it unique. That's why we offer a base kit as a minimum order and then optional items for you to add on if you wish.

Fully equipped M28 tony modular holiday house

What does the base kit for the house consist of? What are the available add-ons?

Base kit

This is a fully insulated, waterproofed, rigid timber frame construction with all external and internal finishing layers, with triple-glazed windows and doors, installed electricity cables, and pipes. The internal finishing layers are parquet, T&G wooden panel, and architraves. Basically, the base kit of a house is a fully constructionally completed tiny house. All the items that go on top of the final finishes are the items in the optional add-ons list. and all of them can be added by you when you receive the house if you want. An exception would be a heated floor - this must go under the parquet during the production.

Add-ons list

All the items listed below are optional. You can add them when placing your order and we will install them during the manufacture of the house. This will save you time and you will receive a tiny house ready to be furnished when it arrives. Each section is added only as a set - e.g. you can not add just the sockets from the 'lighting units' set, but no lamps and switches. We have carefully picked out modern-looking designs to complement the overall feel of our tiny houses. If you prefer a different style - pick a base kit and install your own items on the building site.

Internal and External lighting units, sockets, and switches

There is no house without lamps, sockets, and switches. And we know that lighting units are sometimes a big part of an interior design, that's why it is an optional add-on. All the electricity installation for our modular houses is done in the factory according to the specific electricity plan, which will be introduced to you during the ordering process. Below are the lighting items that we offer as an add-on option. The actual items may vary due to the availability of the exact product at the time of order.

Heating & Cooling

The external walls have 100+50 mm of wool, which provides the standard insulation required for tiny houses like this. However, if you plan to use the glamping house or your office all year round and your climate gets either very cold or very hot, you may need extra temperature control equipment. We have a few options for you:

1) an air conditioner with a heating function (if you need both heating and cooling);

2) heated floor with thermostat (only heating function);

3) you can have both if you want to feel the nice comfort of warm floors and to have an option of cooling the space with an air conditioner.

A heated floor can be added to the whole area of the floor or just the WC room. An important thing to note, if you need a heated floor in your house, it has to be placed during manufacture by us, because our base kit comes with parquet and you, unfortunately, will have to rip it off to make the changes.

WC & Shower Equipment

WC and Shower rooms are in the layouts of our bigger houses M24, M28, M47, and M54. The items in this section include a sink with a tap and cupboard, a toilet, and a shower set. You can only add the items as a whole set. All the pipes inside the floor and walls are installed in a base kit, so if you decide to fit your own equipment you will be able to do it once the house is delivered to you.

The shower & wc room items available for add-ons

The actual items may vary due to the availability of the exact product at the time of order.

Boiler & Closet

To heat the water for your house you will need a boiler. Water pipes and boiler wires are installed in all base kits of the houses (except M10 and M14). You can choose to connect your own boiler after the house is delivered to you. To provide nice aesthetics inside we suggest adding a closet, which is customized to hide the boiler inside leaving some space for the clothes.

These two items go separately, you can choose to add only one if you wish.


All our bigger houses have kitchen areas planned in them. It contains a standard linear layout with bottom and top cupboards, a fridge, and a sink with a tap. All the wires and pipes are installed in the kitchen wall during the manufacture, so you can add your own kitchen after the house is delivered to you. Or you can leave it all for us to complete and have the full set ready and installed in the modules for delivery.

This is the kitchen Set in an M24 and M28 modular tiny house.
The Kitchen Set in M47 and M54 - closed and opened cabinets
The Kitchen Set in M47 and M54 - closed and opened cabinets

These are all the optional add-ons we offer so far. We do not include furniture in our deliveries - make the interior design of your office or holiday house unique to your taste. If you order most of the optional items from us, the house will arrive at your place ready to be furnished!


Willia Ferdinands
Willia Ferdinands

Sveiki. Mes norėtume modulinio sodo namelio, bet galime mokėti 8000€. Ar turite ką pasiūlyti? Kaip atrodo tokios kainos namelis? Mes Kretingos soduose norime pastatyti nebrangų modulinį namuką.

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